Resonance- "a quality that makes something personally meaningful or important to someone", "a sound or vibration produced in one object that is caused by the sound or vibration produced in another."
Every interaction we have with another life makes an impact. Even the smallest action, during the briefest moment in time sends ripples through the the other's life.
Resonance is a series inspired by one soul's impact on another. Imagine ripples radiating though a body of water after a single pebble disrupts the surface, initiated with a loud.... KUR-PLUUSHHHH!!! ...or maybe with only a soft & subtle.... pluunnk!
What ripples resonate in your life because of the presence of another being? What resonance are you bringing to life in others?
Namaste- "a greeting with the utmost of respect... a salutation from one to another."
I first heard the word namaste from a musician performing a song she wrote about yoga. She addressed the audience with "namaste", holding her hands together at the level of her heart while bowing slightly forward in an honoring gesture. Offering a loose translation, "The inner light in me honors the inner light in you.” was all it took to stir a place deep within me. Inspired by the spiritual essence of one soul recognizing the energy in another, the Namaste Series was born!
Namaste vessels are created with an optically resonant curve then lined with either gilding, multiple layers of hand-brushed acrylic paint to establish a spiral, or both. Surface treatments are meticulously applied to amplify the interior form, sometimes creating a continuous spiral effect, a soft gradation or even radial burst of color. Each Namaste vessel is unique in the way it glows from across the room, in even the faintest of ambient light, inviting a pause from the rush of life to connect for a moment.
Each piece is a sincere greeting from me to you, with utmost respect and honor, “Namaste!”
Resilience- "the ability to adapt or recover quickly from adversity."
The Resilience Series is inspired by water's ability to constantly adapt to external forces. Water never disappears, it just morphs its state of matter; when exposed to heat, it becomes steam, when frozen it becomes ice, when exposed to gravity it erodes a new path.
The Resilience pieces are created with three facets & three ridges, where facets interact with each other. The facets have multiple levels of representation; past, present & future.... & body, mind & spirit (soul).
Spinning- "to whirl or revolve rapidly."
The Spinning Series is inspired by the playfulness of finger tops. Tops seem to have a magical ability to entrance, connecting us with the giddiness of our childhood. The graceful dance of a well-made finger top captivates our attention and brings us to the current moment, as a form of unintended mindfulness. A most elegant toy for the one who fidgets.
Breathing- "the process of taking air into and expelling it from the lungs", "to inhale and exhale freely", "to be alive."
The Breathing Box Series is inspired by the ability of breath and breathing technique to influence our emotional state. By focusing on slowing our rate and increasing our depth of breath, our mind begins to clear and our body calms.
Each box in this series is created with the concept of breath; when the lid is lifted, "inhalation" begins as air is drawn into the cavity and the body slowly extends until it disengages. When the lid is placed onto the body, a gentle "exhalation" occurs as air escapes and the lid settles back to the closed position.
Collaboration- "the act of working together to achieve or realize a goal."
Typically, the collaborative artwork I have been part of has resulted in an actual product. Although, a finished piece doesn't always have to be the outcome; collaboration can purely be an exploration of techniques with two or more creative minds.
My experience has been that collaborating can range from an orchestrated effort, to free-form or even avant-garde style exploration. The orchestrated collaboration, where one person takes the lead or expresses vision and seeks others to assist in the realization of this vision usually results in a cohesive piece much like a musical group led by a conductor. The avant-garde style typically centers around exploring riffs on ideas, where each member adds their voice to a collective piece, with multiple perspectives expressed within a work of artistic collage.
Every collaboration I have engaged in has energized me with new ideas and fresh perspectives. The biggest benefit to a collaboration with others who are confident in their creative skills and open to the excitement that comes with exploring is the sharing of passion and enthusiasm for pushing boundaries and venturing into the unknown!